Future perfect continous tense

 Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian / aktivitas akan terus terjadi / dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu dimasa mendatang

Positif (+)
Subject + shall/will + have + been + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + shall/will + not + have + been + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
Shall/will + subject + have + been + verb-ing + object ?

( + ) Farmers in Jati Bali will have been growing rice crops for 40 years by the end of this year. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi selama 40 tahun sebelum tahun ini berakhir).
( - ) When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will not have been being at school for 10 hours yet.
( ? ) When your dad picks you up at 1 p.m., will you have been being at school for 10 hours?


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