Ternyata Yogyakarta - Lampung ngga perlu ngabisin uang banyak, cukup dengan Rp. 100.000,-  saja kita udah bisa pergi dari Jogja ke lampung atau sebaliknya, itu juga udah termasuk snack dan air minum lho...
Nah bagi brother semua yang pengen jalan tapi kocek dikantong pas-pasan, bro bisa ngikutin tips berikut ini :

1. Naik Kereta Api Pramek dari Yogyakarta ke Kutoarjo
Kereta api pramek atau prambanan ekspres sebenarnya melayani rute solo-kutoarjo PP. Bagi brother yang pengen naik kreta ini saya sarankan naik dari stasiun lempuyangan atau tugu yang jam 4 sore karena perkiraan waktu Yogyakarta-Kutoarjo sekitar 1jam. Tarif kereta ini Rp. 9000,- saja dari jogja menuju kutoarjo

2. Naik Kereta Api Kutojaya dari Kutoarjo ke Tanah Abang
Nah kereta api ini melayani rute Kutoarjo-Tanah Abang PP. Kereta Kutojaya berangkat dari stasiun Kutoarjo jam 6 sore. Saya sarankan bagi broter semua setelah sampai di stasiun kutoarjo dengan kereta pramek langsung menuju loket pembelian tiket kereta ini dan langsung bergegas menuju ke kereta yang biasanya sudah standby di stasiun kutoarjo karena kereta kutojaya bebas tempat duduk alias siapa cepat dia dapat. Kalo brother semua tidak ingin berdiri selama perjalan tentunya. Harga tiket kereta ini cuma Rp. 28000,- dan kalau lancar brother semua bisa sampai di stasiun tanah abang sekitar jam 3 pagi.

3. Naik Kereta Api Lokal Tanah Abang Merak
Kereta ini berangkat dari tanah abang menuju merak sekitar jam 8 pagi jadi brother semua bisa istirahat dulu sambil menunggu kereta ini berangkat. Kan jeda waktu antara kedatangan kereta kutojaya dan keberangkatan kereta ini lumayan lama. Brother semua juga bisa mandi atau sarapan dulu disekitar stasiun tanah abang. Atau kalau sempet bisa belanja dulu di pasar tanah abang, he...he...
Tarif kereta ini cuma goceng alias Rp. 5000,- saja. Murah kan...??

4. Naik Kapal Ferry dari Merak menuju Bakauheni
Setelah sampai di stasiun merak brother tinggal jalan ke Pelabuhan Merak karena letak pelabuhan merak cuma berseberangan dengan stasiun merak. Nak brother tinggal menuju loket penjualan tiket. Harga tiket untuk kapal Ferry ini cuma Rp 11500,-
Pihak asdp juga menyediakan pilihan kapal cepat dengan waktu tempuh kurang dari satu jam dengan tarif Rp. 30000,-  tapi kapal cepat ini tidak akan beroperasi jika cuaca sedang kurang baik atau ombak sedang tinggi.

5. Naik Bis menuju tempat tujuan
Setelah sampai di Bakauheni brother semua bisa langsung menuju ke terminal untuk mencari bis-bis yang akan mengantarkan kalian ke tempat tujuan masing-masing. Tarif bis-bis ini rata-rata Rp.10000,-

Nah bagi brother semua yang pengen mencoba tevelling murah tapi asik, brother bisa mencoba tips diatas. Bisa brother bayangkan betapa signifikan perbedaaan uang yang harus kita keluarkan bila dibandingkan dengan naik bis jurusan Jogja-lampung yang bisa mencapai 300 ribu rupiah. Brother bisa ngirit ratusan ribu rupiah dan juga akan mendapat pengalaman yang sangat luar biasa dibandingkan bepergian dengan cara biasa. Semoga tips diatas dapat membantu dan bermanfaat bagi brother semua. Selamat Mencoba!!!!

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Adjective ( Kata Sifat )

Digunakan untuk menerangkan orang, tempat dan benda
contoh : This is a difficult question

The Use Degrees Of Comparisons 
( Penggunaan Tingkat Perbandingan )
Digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda atau orang.. benda atau orang tersebut mungkin sama atau berbeda

1. Positive
 digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 orang atau benda yang sama
  • as + adjective + as ..... ( se.. / sama..dengan..)
  • like and alike ... ( sama / seperti )
  • the same ( as )....( sama / sama dengan / seperti )
  • similar ( to )...... ( sama / seperti )
  • different ( from ).... ( berbeda...dengan )
2. Comparative
  digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 orang atau benda atau sesuatu hal yang berbeda
  • adjective + er...than... (lebih...dari pada...)
  • more + adjective...than ....( lebih....daripada...)
  • less + adjective...than... ( sedikit.....dibandingkan dengan / daripada )
3. Superlative
digunakan untuk membandingkan 3 atau lebih orang atau benda
  • the + adjective + est ( paling.../ ter....)
  • the most + adjrctive.... ( paling.../ ter....)
  Perubahan Bentuk Comparisons

1. Kata Sifat dengan 1 suku kata
  • Big - bigger - biggest
  • Small - smaller - smallest
  • Thin - thinner - thinnest
  • Old - older - oldest
  • Dst.
2. Kata Sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata
  • Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
  • Expensive - more expensive - most expensive
  • Interesting - more interesting - most interesting
  • Dst
3. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf "y"
  • Happy - happier - happiest
  • Easy - easier - easiest
  • Busy - busier - busiest
4. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan some, low, le, dan er
  • Handsome - more handsome/handsomer - most handsome/handsomest
  • Narrow - more narrow/narrower - most narrow/narrowest
  • Gentle - more gentle/gentler - most gentle/gentlest
  • Clever - more clever/cleverer - most clever/cleverest
Catatan: untuk kata sifat jenis di atas, lebih baik menggunakan more untuk comparative dan most untuk superlative daripada menggunakan dan ...est, walaupun kedua-duanya benar.

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Noun ( kata benda )

Kata benda ada 2, yaitu:
1. Kata benda tak berwujud (Abstrak Noun)
Kata benda tak berwujud adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dilihat atau diraba, tetapi hanya bisa dibayangkan saja.
- Love
- Happiness
2.. Kata benda berwujud (Concrete Noun)
Kata benda berwujud adalah kata benda yang dapat dilihat oleh mata dan dapat pula diraba oleh tangan.

Pembagian kata benda berwujud, antara lain kata benda tersendiri dan kata benda biasa.
1. Kata benda tersendiri (Proper noun)
Kata benda tersendiri selalu didahului huruf besar untuk nama-nama: kota, negara, perusahaan, orang, sekolah, dan nama tempat-tempat lainnya.
-New York, Jakarta, Tokyo
-Parto Patrio, Aziz Gagap

2. Kata benda biasa (Common noun)
- Plane
- Mountain

Kata benda tak berwujud dapat dibentuk dari kata kerja, kata sifat,dll
Contoh kata kerja menjadi kata kerja:
-To adjust = kata kerja
-Adjussment = abstract pronoun
-To agree = kata kerja
-Agreement = abstract pronoun

Kata benda tak berwujud yang berasal dari kata sifat (adjective) dengan menambahkan akhiran ness pada kata sifat tersebut.
Kata sifat Kata benda tak berwujud
-Polite -Politeness
-Sad -Sadness

Kata benda tak berwujud yang berasal dari kata benda biasa (common noun)
Kata benda biasa Kata benda tak berwujud
-Agent -Agency
-Champion -Championship

3. Kata benda kumpulan
Kata benda tersendiri selalu didahului huruf besar untuk nama: kota, negara, perusahaan, orang, sekolah, dan nama tempat.

4. Kata benda bahan baku (material noun)
Kata tersebut dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berasal dari bahan baku.


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Yayasan e-Compusoft Indonesia


Customer Service (CS) 3 orang
1. Pria/Wanita Max 35th
2. Pendidikan minimal SMU/Sederajat
3. Menguasai Komputer (Internet)
4. Dapat berbahasa inggris secara aktif
5. Dapat bekerja sama dalam team

Freelance (FL) 3 orang

1. Pria/Wanita Max 33th
2. Pendidikan minimal SMU/Sederajat
3. Menguasai Komputer (Internet)
4. Dapat berbahasa inggris secara aktif
5. Dapat bekerja sama dalam team

Bagi yang berminat dapat mengajukan lamaran dilampiri dengan
1. Curiculum Vitae
2. Copy ijasah terakhir
3. Pas foto 4x6 2lembar
4. Foto Close Up ukuran bebas 1lembar

Lamaran dapat dikirim langsung atau via pos ke :
e-Compusoft Jogja
Griya Cipta Mulia no.1 K
Jl Sengon, Bantulan, Yogyakarta (sebelah selatan Ambarukmo Plasa)
Telp. (0274) 6669997
atau via Email ke :

*Test interview kami beritahukan melalui telp

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Trik Mendongkrak Bisnis Lewat Media Massa

Bagaimana trik memanfaatkan media massa sebagai leverage untuk mengembangkan bisnis kita?

Apakah media massa? Adalah sarana publikasi baik yang tercetak (koran, majalah, tabloid, jurnal, buletin) maupun tersiar (radio, televisi, web) yang terpublikasikan secara massal kepada masyarakat luas, di segala segmen lapisan, dalam saat yang sama, pada tempat yang meluas.

  • Apakah yang dibutuhkan media massa? Adalah berita-berita, informasi-informasi, data-data, fakta-fakta, kisah-kisah, pengalaman-pengalaman, dan sebagainya yang layak disiarkan secara massal, diketahui publik secara meluas. Karena memang MENARIK untuk dipublikasikan.
  • Sejumlah pakar komunikasi menyebut hanya 2 saja yang dibutuhkan media: yakni FAKTA SOSIOLOGIS dan FAKTA PSIKOLOGIS.
  • Fakta Sosiologis adalah Peristiwa yang terjadi secara De Facto
  • Fakta Psikologis adalah Fakta Yang Dibuat/Direkayasa yang beritanya lebih bersifat respons terhadap kejadian/peristiwa, misalnya tanggapan, komentar, dan kutipan dari tokoh yang terkait.
  • Kalau Anda bisa MEMBUAT sebuah KEJADIAN, maka Media layak untuk menulisnya. Kalau Anda bisa membuat KOMENTAR yang menarik, maka media pun layak mengutipnya.
Siapa yang bekerja di media massa

Secara Umum departemen di
media massa terbagi dalam 3 bagian:
  1. Redaksi (Reporter/Wartawan, Koordinator Liputan, Pemimpin Redaksi)
  2. Perusahaan (Iklan & Keuangan)
  3. Umum / Kesekretariatan
Siapa Yang Bisa Kita Manfaatkan
  • Sebagai sebuah lembaga Bisnis maka kita bisa memanfaatkan 2 ini:
  • Wartawan (berhub. dgn pemberitaan)
  • Bagian Iklan (berhub. dgn Iklan/Adv)
  • Salah satu atau dua-duanya bisa kita pegang sebagai kunci kita untuk mendongkrak kesuksesan bisnis
SEPULUH Cara Bekerja sama dengan Media Massa
untuk Membesarkan Bisnis Kita

1. Membuat Pers Release
2. Membuat Surat Pembaca
3. Menanggapi Berita yang Berkait Bisnis Kita
4. Membuat Advertorial
5. Memasang Iklan
6. Mengadakan Konferensi Pers
7. Membuat Press Tour
8. Membuat Aksi Karitatif (Aksi Sosial)
9. Mengembangkan Kegiatan CSR
10. Kunjungan ke Meja Redaksi

Apa Yang Bisa Kita Manfaatkan dari media
1. Mengenalkan dan Mempopulerkan
2. Mengenalkan dan Mempopulerkan
PERSON penting di Lembaga Bisnis Kita
3. Mengenalkan dan Mempopulerkan PRODUK
yang dipasarkan Lembaga Bisnis Kita.
4. Mengenalkan dan Mempopulerkan
BRAND / MEREK Produk yang kita jual
Ujung dari semuanya adalah peningkatan OMSET, keberhasilan dalam pemasaran, dan kesuksesan bisnis secara keseluruhan

Trik Pertama: KECEPATAN
Jika Ada berita yang memuat suatu kejadian dan berhubungan dengan produk kita, SEGERA buat Pers Release. Kalau bisa hari itu juga, meski 1 lembar halaman. Segera fax ke redaksi bersangkutan. Harapannya, redaksi tertarik menggali informasinya lebih jauh dan menghubungi kita. Yang paling penting dari Rilis ini adalah tulis tanggapan yang “MENARIK”

Bagaimana Cara Kita Memanfaatkan Media?
  • Menanggapi sebuah Kejadian/Berita
  • Menunggangi Isu yang Berkembang
  • Menciptakan Isu yang sama sekali Baru
  • Menciptakan Even Yang Libatkan Massa
  • Melakukan Kegiatan Sosial
  • Melaksanakan Pers Tour
  • Mengadakan Jumpa Pers
  • Membuat Sensasi atau Kontroversi
  • Membeli Halaman untuk advertorial
Pilih Cara Termudah
  • Memelihara Hubungan Baik dgn Wartawan
  • Dalam banyak kasus, akan lebih enak pemberitaan kita dimuat di media massa, jika kita sudah punya hubungan dengan wartawan sebelumnya. Cukup main kontek via telepon, semuanya tinggal atur. Maka tugas pertama kita adalah mempunyai kontak dengan teman-teman wartawan. Caranya gimana? Bisa tanya ke redaksinya, bisa berburu mereka di tempat2 konferensi pers berlangsung atau gabung di tempat wartawan nongkrong.
  • Ini sering diremehkan orang. Padahal, sesungguhnya ini Ruang yang sangat efektif. Mengapa? Karena hampir semua orang membaca kolom Surat Pembaca. Kalau kita bisa MENGEMAS surat pembaca yang menarik berkaitan dengan produk kita, maka Surat Pembaca bisa menjadi sarana Promosi yang Sangat Efektif.
  • Yang dibutuhkan hanya kecerdasan untuk membuat kalimat-kalimat pendek (3 - 5 ALENIA) yang langsung mengena ke inti pesan tetapi nuansanya halus sehinga tidak terkesan promosi banget? Misal, dikemas dalam kata: konsultasi, beasiswa, AKSI sosial, tanggapan, dan sebagainya.
  • Bikin JUDUL Yang Menarik. 5 - 10 Kata. Yang Cukup Sensasi, Bombas, Menohok, Mencuri Perhatian, Bikin Penasaran, Berbeda,….
  • Mulai dari Hal yang terpenting, berlanjut Keterangan2 yang sifatnya Tambahan. Kutipan Menjadi Kata Kuncinya. Bikin Kutipan yang Menarik dan Berisi (Inti)
  • Rilis Cukup 5 - 10 Alenia. Halaman Koran Sangat Terbatas. Berbagi dengan Berita Lain.
  • Bagian Akhir, cantumkan selengkap mungkin identitas diri, perusahaan/lembaga, jabatan dan kontak dari person yang bisa dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut hal tersebut
  • Buatlah ADVERTORIAL. Ini Jika Kita Punya Bujet Dana yang Cukup Besar. Kita Booking Halaman Koran dan kita isi beritanya sesuai kemauan kita. Semau-mau kita. Bahkan Waktu tayang pun terserah kita maunya kapan, berapa kali, berapa besar. Kita bisa minta bantuan wartawan untuk membuatkan Advertorial
Cara yang juga Murah adalah Membuat Acara Kunjungan ke Redaksi Surat Kabar. Momentumnya bisa dipaskan dengan acara Ulang Tahun Perusahaan yang sedang menggelar berbagai kegiatan untuk masyarakat luas. Berita yang seperti ini sangat disukai oleh media. Pada saat itu serahkan rilisnya ke redaksi. Pasti Dimuat.

Pentingnya Pers Tour
Jika yang kita butuhkan adalah pemberitaan yang lebih mendalam, detil, komprehensif, maka ada pilihan yang lebih mengena. Adakan Press Tour. Ajak sejumlah wartawan ke lokasi produksi dan pemasaran kita. Ini untuk memudahkan wartawan dalam mengambil foto-foto eksklusif dan wawancara langsung dengan narasumber di lokasi. Juga untuk meyakinkan publik bahwa produk kita berkelas dan berkualitas. Foto2 yang bagus biasanya memang dari Lokasi TKP.

Karakter Publik, Media = Kebenaran
  • Bagi Masyarakat kita; Media masih dianggap Kebenaran. Yang diberitakan media, itulah yang diikuti massa. Jadi, manfaatkan psikologi massa seperti itu
  • Faktanya, Kita bisa bekerjasama dengan media untuk mengarahkan opini / selera publik bahkan membuat trend. Kenapa tidak kita mainkan? Kata Kuncinya, media bisa diajak kerjasama, tinggal bagaimana mengemas caranya.
  • Cepat atau lambat produk atau lembaga yang sering dimuat media akan semakin besar. Konsekuensi itu berbanding lurus. Makin sering mengisi ruang media, makin cepat publik mengenalnya. Ya, seperti artis, makin sering masuk infotainment makin larislah ia.
1. Usahakan Rilis sudah Matang. Pilihannya: (a) Sudah dalam bentuk Tulisan Berita sehingga Wartawan Tinggal Mengedit sesuai karakter medianya; (b) Dalam bentuk pointer sehingga wartawan tinggal merangkai sesuai kebutuhan
2. Data-data pendukung sertakan sebagai lampiran saja. Wartawan akan mengutipnya senyampang dibutuhkan. Misal Company Profile, Data Angka Statistik Pemasaran Sejarah, dsb. Berguna Jika mau ditulis bersambung.

Yang Tabu Dilakukan kepada Wartawan
1. Jangan Menanyakan Kapan Berita Akan Dimuat. Bisa Tersinggung. Merusak Hubungan yang Telah Terjalin. Biarkan saja ia mencari waktunya.
2. Jangan Menghubungi Wartawan Ketika Butuh saja. Jadikan ia sahabat. Kirim sms atau telpon meski sekedar mengingatkan makan siang atau selamat ulang tahun. Ajak makan siang/nonton sekali waktu.
Wartawan juga Manusia. Perlakukan secara Manusiawi. Sebagai teman.

  • Puspo Wardoyo (Wong Solo)
  • Hermawan Kertajaya (MarkPlus)
  • Wahyu Hidayat (Bakmi Langgara)
  • Purdi E Candra (Primagama)
  • Ary Ginanjar Agustian (ESQ)
  • AA Gym (Manajemen Qolbu/Darut Tauhid)
  • Tung Desem Waringin (TDW Konsultan)
Mau Sukses Cepat?

Media Massa
"Among Kurnia Ebo"

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Green Day - 21 Guns Lyric

Do you know what’s worth fighting for,
When it’s not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You’re in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

When you’re at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn’t pass
Nothing’s ever built to last
You’re in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it’s time to live and let die
And you can’t get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You’re in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky (x2)

You and I.

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Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends Lyric

Summer has come and passed,
the innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.

Like my father's come to pass,
seven years has gone so fast.
Wake me up when September ends.

Here comes the rain again,
falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again,
becoming who we are.
As my memory rests,
but never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up when September ends.

Summer has come and passed,
the innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.

Ring out the bells again,
like we did when spring began.
Wake me up when September ends.

Here comes the rain again,
falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again,
becoming who we are.
As my memory rests,
but never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up when September ends.

Summer has come and passed,
the innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.

Like my father's come to pass,
twenty years has gone so fast.
Wake me up when September ends.

Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.

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Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams lyric

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But its home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone[4x]

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Til then I'll walk alone

Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And where I walk alone

Read between the lines of what's
Fucked up and everythings all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadows are the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I'll walk alone

Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a..

My shadows are the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I'll walk alone!

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Sean Kingston ft Justin Bieber – Eenie Meenie Lyric

[Sean Kingston]
Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go

She’s indecisive
She cant decide
She keeps on lookin
From left to right

Girl, cmon get closer
Look in my eyes
Searchin is so wrong
Im Mr. Right

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after this song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancin alone

You cant make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please dont waste my time, time, time, time, time
Im not tryin to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

[Justin Bieber]
Let me show you what your missin
With me you’re winning girl
You don’t have to roll the dice
Justin Bieber Eenie Meenie
Tell me what you’re really here for
Them other guys?
I can see right through ya

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after the song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancin alone

Cant make up your mind
Please dont waste my time
Not tryin to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

[Sean Kingston]
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go

Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

Cant make up your mind
Please dont waste my time
Not tryin to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

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Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You Lyric

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I Will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

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One Republik - Apologize Lyric

I'm holdin' on a rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearin' what your sayin'
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
Tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around
Its too late

[Lil Wayne:]
OK, I'm talkin' about a
Good Girl Gone Bad
Crooked World, wrong path
Right Mom, wrong dad

I sing this song mad but not mad enough to shoot you
But it just eats me up like some bbq from Luther's
In the morning with the boosters
On the corner with the boosters
And she's the fresh cut and they're on her like sutures
And I wanna talk to her
But her momma has to school her
I wanna see her better
She's the weather of my future

I don't wanna see another hurricane
Baby you can kill the pain
If you just let me explain
Trust me I know what I'm sayin'
You will end up on the track of an oncoming train
Stuck in the passenger seat
Trying do the fast lane

[Bun B:]
Well once upon a time there was a mom and a dad
Who on the outside had everything people wished they had
A beautiful daughter two story house two car garage
And a white picket fence wrapped around the front yard

See daddy was a doctor
And mommy was a banker
Mommy's job got outsourced
So now mommy's drinker

Daddy had a malpractice suit
Now he's a snorter
And all this shits takin' place
right in front of their daughter
She says, “Daddy what's wrong?”
But he's just too high
“Mommy what we gon' do?”
She just get drunk and cry
Caught in the middle of two wrongs trying to do right
Looking for answers alone in the darkness of night
They say...

I'm holdin' on a rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearin what your sayin'
But i just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
Tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around
You say that it's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
it's too late

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Tatu - Gomenasai Lyric

What I thought wasn’t mine
In the light
Was one of a kind,
A precious pearl

When I wanted to cry
I couldn’t cause I
Wasn’t allowed

Gomen nasai for everything
Gomen nasai, I know I let you down
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelain

When I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myself

Gomen nasai for everything
Gomen nasai, I know I let you down
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought was a dream
An mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilege

When I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked away

Gomen nasai, for everything
Gomen nasai, Gomen nasai,
I never needed a friend,
Like I do now

Gomen nasai, I let you down
Gomen nasai, Gomen nasai,
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

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Jet - Hold On lyric

You tried so hard to be someone
That you forget who you are
You tried to fill some emptiness
Till all you had spilled over

Now everything's so far away
That you don't know
Where you are
You are

When all that you wanted
And all that you have
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to
For you to hold on to
For you to belong to

When it's hard to be yourself
It's not to be someone else
Still everything's so far away
That you forget where you are
You are

When all that you wanted
And all that you have
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to
For you to hold on to

Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on

When all that you wanted
And all that you have
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to
For you to hold on to
For you to hold on to
For you to belong to

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Bic Runga - Sway lyric

Don't stray
Don't ever go away
I should be much to smart for this
You know it gets the better
Of me
When you and I collide
I fall into an ocean of you
Pull me out in time
Don't let me drown
Let me down
I say it's all because of you
And here I
Losing my
I'm practising your name
So I can say it
To your face it doesn't
Seem right
To look you in the eye
And let all the things
You mean to me
Come tumbling out my mouth
Indeed it's time
Tell you why
I say it's
Infinitely true
Say you'll stay
Don't come and go
Like you do
Sway my way
Yeah I need to know
All about you
And there's no cure
And no way to be sure
Why everythings turned inside out
Instilling so much doubt
It makes me so tired

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Future perfect continous tense

 Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian / aktivitas akan terus terjadi / dilakukan sampai batas waktu tertentu dimasa mendatang

Positif (+)
Subject + shall/will + have + been + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + shall/will + not + have + been + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
Shall/will + subject + have + been + verb-ing + object ?

( + ) Farmers in Jati Bali will have been growing rice crops for 40 years by the end of this year. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan telah bercocok tanam padi selama 40 tahun sebelum tahun ini berakhir).
( - ) When my dad picks me up at 1 p.m., I will not have been being at school for 10 hours yet.
( ? ) When your dad picks you up at 1 p.m., will you have been being at school for 10 hours?

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Future Perfect Tense

 The only use of this tense is to talk about future actions that will be finished before some specified point in the future.


Positive Sentences
Subject + Auxiliary verb + Auxiliary verb + Verb + ing
e.g. I/a dog etc. will have e.g. eaten/given/gone etc.

    I will have retired by the end of this year.
    I read 40 pages a day. If I keep up the pace, I will have read the book by Tuesday.
Auxiliary verb + Subject + Auxiliary verb + Verb + ing
will e.g. I/a dog etc. have e.g. eaten/given/gone etc.

    Will they have graduated from Cambridge by July 2009?
    Will I have retired by the end of the year?
    Will you have bought a new processor by the end of this week?
Negative Sentences
Subject + Auxiliary verb + not + Auxiliary verb + Verb + ing
e.g. I/a dog etc. will not have e.g. eaten/given/gone etc.

They won't have graduated from from Cambridge by July 2009.
My uncle won't have retired by the end of the year.

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Future Continous Tense

future continuous tense menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung in the future

Subject + will + be + (verb 1 + ing ) + object + modifier
Subject + [ ( is / am / are ) going to ] +be + ( verb 1 + ing ) object + modifier

Farmers in Jati Bali will be growing rice crops at 9 a.m. tomorrow. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali akan sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi besok)

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Past Perfect Continous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan yang telah dan sedang berlangsung sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi di masa lampau.

Pola kalimat:
(+) S + had + been + V-ing
(-) S + had + not + been + V-ing
(?) Had + S + been + V-ing

He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)
- Dia telah tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (-)
- dia belum tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)
- apakah dia telah tinggal di Jakarta selamat 10 tahun ?


Pola kalimat past perfect continuous tense juga dipakai dalam kalimat tak langsung (indirect/reported speech). Bentuk kalimat tak langsung ini sepadan dengan bentuk kalimat langsung (direct speech) dengan pola past continuous tense dan present perfect continuous tense.

Jane said, “I have been gardening all afternoon.”
Jane said she had been gardening all afternoon. (indirect speech)

When the police questioned him, John said “I was working late in the office that night.”
When the police questioned him, John told them he had been working late in the office that night. (indirect speech)

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Justin Bieber - U Smile Lyric

Oh, yeah, mmm

I wait on you forever, any day, hand and foot
Your world is my world, yeah
Ain't no way you ever gonna get
Any less than you should

'Cause baby, you smile, I smile, oh
'Cause whenever you smile, I smile
Hey, hey, hey

Your lips, my biggest weakness
Shouldn't have let you know
I'm always gonna do what they say, hey
If you need me, I'll come running from a thousand miles away

When you smile, I smile, oh, whoa
You smile, I smile, hey

Baby, take my open heart and all it offers
'Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get
You ain't seen nothing yet
I won't ever hesitate to give you more

'Cause baby, you smile, I smile, whoa
You smile, I smile, hey, hey, hey
You smile, I smile, I smile, I smile, I smile
You smile, I smile, make me smile, baby

Baby, you won't ever want for nothing
You are my ends and my means now
With you there's no in between, I'm all in

'Cause my cards are on the table
And I'm willing and I'm able
But I fold to your wish 'cause it's my command
Hey, hey, hey

You smile, I smile, whoa
You smile, I smile, hey, hey, hey
You smile, I smile, I smile, I smile, I smile
You smile, I smile, oh

You smile, I smile
You smile, I smile

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Justin Bieber - One Time Lyric

Me plus you
I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you
I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you
I'ma tell you one time
One time, one time

When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop
And even though it's a struggle love is all we got
And we gon' keep keep climbing to the mountain top

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my one girl
Always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

You look so deep, you know that it humbles me
You're by my side, them troubles them not trouble me
Many have called but the chosen is you
Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be myone girl
Always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

Shawty right there
She's got everything I need
And I'ma tell her one time
Give you everything you need down to my last dime

She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side
'Cause she is the one

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my one girl
Always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
One time, one time

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Justin Bieber - Baby Lyric

You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never, ever, ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl, quit playin'
"We're just friends," what are you sayin'?
Said "there's another," and looked right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time

And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe we're here together
And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring

And I'm in pieces, baby fix me
And just shake me 'til you wake me from this bad dream
I'm goin' down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

And I'm like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

When I was 13, I had my first love
There was nobody that compared to my baby
And nobody came between us who could ever come above
She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck
She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks

She made my heart pound
I skip a beat when I see her in the street
And at school on the playground
But I really wanna see her on a weekend
She know she got me dazin' 'cause she was so amazin'
And now my heart is breakin' but I just keep on sayin'

Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone
I'm gone

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Bahasa Inggris Itu Mudah

Mungkin menurut sebagian orang bahasa inggris itu sangat sulit.. Mereka tak mau tau apapun tentang bahasa inggris..Mereka menutup mata saat melihat tulisan dalam bahasa inggris dan mereka juga menutup telinga saat mendengar kata atau lagu dalam bahasa inggris.. itu semua karna mereka tak mau tau dan tak mau ambil pusing dalam hal itu.. padahal jika mereka mau sedikit saja mempelajari bahasa iggris mereka akan menyukainya.. mereka hanya menggunakan alasan bahasa inggris itu sulit sebagai alasannya..

Sebenarnya bahasa inggris itu mudah dipelajari.. asal kita dapat mencari cara belajar yang cocok.. misalkan melalui les bahasa inggris , melalui buku, musik, video dan sebagainya.. saat kita telah menemukan cara belajar yang kita sukai otomatis kita akan senang belajar bahasa inggris.. kemudian jika kita sudah belajar dan memahami bahasa inggris pasti kita akan menganggap bahasa inggris itu mudah.. jika seseorang menganggap bahasa inggris itu sulit sebenarnya mereka hanya tidak mau mempelajari bahasa inggris atau belum memukan sarana belajar bahasa inggris yang cocok untuk mereka...

jadi jangan pernah berhenti mencari cara yang cocok dalam belajar bahasa inggris.. jangan menyerah karna saat kita menyerah berarti kita sudah kalah..

semoga artikel ini berguna untuk anda .. untuk belajar bahasa inggris klik disini

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Video

info belajar bahasa inggris disini
Banyak cara kita dalam belajar.. misalnya melalui pendidikan formal maupun non formal.. jika melalui pendidikan formal misalkan sekolah.. sedangkan melalui pendidikan non formal melalui les dan sebagainya.. dalam belajar kita bisa menggunakan buku, musik bahkan video..

belajar dengan video mungkin akan lebih mudah ditangkap oleh kita.. contohnya orang itu dapat dengan mudah menceritakan kembali film yang ditonton dibandingkan menceritakan pelajaran yang diajarkan guru mereka disekolah.. karena video dapat dengan mudah dibuat dan dibuat skema agar video tersebut tidak membosankan..misalnya ditambahkan dengan adegan yang lucu...

saat kita belajar dengan video otomatis yang bekerja bukan hanya otak tetapi juga mata dan telinga.. untuk videonya sendiri dapat dibuat sendiri maupun dapat dicari di internet.. selain itu jika belajar dengan video diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah video dapat dibuat sendiri bahkan aktornya adalah murit2nya sendiri.. otomatis mereka akan menghafal dialog dari peran yang mereka perankan.. secara tidak langsung merka telah menambah kosa kata tanpa mereka ketahui.. sekian dulu dari saya.

pantengin terus blog ini untuk postingan terbaru.. dan jangan lupa klik disini untuk informasi tentang bahasa inggris lebih lengkap...

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Kunci Sakti Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Memang dalam  belajar bahasa Inggris akan lebih cepat menguasai dan berbicara lancar jika kita langsung latihan berbicara bahasa Inggris pada lingkungan native speaker yang sehari-hari memang menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kebetulan saya pernah tinggal beberapa minggu di desa yang memiliki bahasa daerah Oseng di Banyuwangi.

Bahasa tersebut bukanlah bahasa jawa, bahasa madura bahkan juga sangat sedikit kata-kata serapan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang termasuk bahasa sehari-hari saya. Tetapi karena sehari-hari melihat orang beraktifitas dan berbicara bahasa Oseng lama kelamaan mulai memahami apa yang mereka katakan dan bahkan bisa berani berbicara sedikit demi sedikit bahasa sehari-hari dan logat saya pun terpengaruh bahasa mereka.

Memang itu adalah kebetulan saja saya bisa belajar bahasa daerah yang berbeda dari bahasa sehari-hari saya. Tetapi yang menjadi masalah ketika kita ingin belajar bahasa inggris tetapi kita kesulitan berada pada lingkungan native speaker kecuali jika Anda punya uang yang banyak dan kuliah di luar negeri atau Anda sehari-hari memang berada di lingkungan native speaker seperti misalnya Anda karyawan hotel di Bali yang setiap hari melayani tamu native speaker.

Salah satu cara adalah kita menciptakan lingkungan tersebut dengan cara membentuk sebuah komunitas / klub belajar bahasa Inggris atau bergabung dengan komunitas yang telah ada. Lebih bagus jika didalamnya ada beberapa anggota yang telah menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan pronounciation (bunyi) yang sama atau mendekati native speaker sehingga kita bisa menirukan mereka dan yang lebih penting adalah mendengarkan pronounciation yang benar. Satu masalah lagi adalah mampukah klub tersebut berkumpul dan latihan bahasa Inggris setiap hari ?.

Untunglah kita hidup di abad modern dengan teknologi yang berkembang semakin pesat dan terus menerus. Kini kita bisa memanfaatkan audio player dan mendengarkan file-file audio native speaker agar mudah belajar bahasa Inggris. Tetapi kita harus menggunakan metode dan sistem yang telah terbukti mampu membuat belajar bahasa Inggris lebih cepat dan efektif sehingga bisa menghemat waktu karena belajar bahasa Inggris umumnya membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama ini terbukti banyak dari kita sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sejak SD hingga kuliah tetapi kebanyakan dari kita masih susah berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Saat ini baru ada satu lembaga yang telah memiliki metode belajar bahasa Inggris cepat tanpa grammar full conversation di Indonesia yaitu e Compusoft dan baru saja mengembangkan metodenya dengan sistem Kursus Bahasa Inggris Online Bergaransi, silahkan baca detailnya Klik Disini

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Example of Procedure Text ( How to make Lemonade )

How to make Lemonade
For each glass use:
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.
- 1 glass of water
1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.
2. Take out the seeds.
3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.
4. Add sugar
5. Add water and stir well
6. Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right
7. Put it in ice cubes. A drop of red food coloring will make pink lemonade

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Example of Report Text ( Komodo )

Do you know what is the largest lizard? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands.

Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg)

Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.

The Komodo dragon's teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon's saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on.

This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.

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Example of Narative Text ( Romeo & Juliet )

In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets', a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo's eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.

The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet's bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a "Montague", a name behind his own. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.

Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.

On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That qurreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.
In the other hand, Juliet's father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.

Unfortunately, The Friar's letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet's tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died

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Example of Descriptive Text (Taj Mahal)

Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by a Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at Agra.
Taj Mahal is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the right), and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it.
The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements.
Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5 feet each. The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration.
Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

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The Ugly Duckling

IT was so glorious out in the country; it was summer; the cornfields were yellow, the oats were green, the hay had been put up in stacks in the green meadows, and the stork went about on his long red legs, and chattered Egyptian, for this was the language he had learned from his good mother. All around the fields and meadows were great forests, and in the midst of these forests lay deep lakes. Yes, it was right glorious out in the country. In the midst of the sunshine there lay an old farm, with deep canals about it, and from the wall down to the water grew great burdocks, so high that little children could stand upright under the loftiest of them. It was just as wild there as in the deepest wood, and here sat a Duck upon her nest; she had to hatch her ducklings; but she was almost tired out before the little ones came; and then she so seldom had visitors. The other ducks liked better to swim about in the canals than to run up to sit down under a burdock, and cackle with her.     
  At last one egg-shell after another burst open. “Piep! Piep!” it cried, and in all the eggs there were little creatures that stuck out their heads.     
  “Quack! quack!” they said; and they all came quacking out as fast as they could, looking all around them under the green leaves; and the mother let them look as much as they chose, for green is good for the eye.     
  “How wide the world is!” said all the young ones, for they certainly had much more room now than when they were in the eggs.     
  “D’ye think this is all the world?” said the mother. “That stretches far across the other side of the garden, quite into the parson’s field; but I have never been there yet. I hope you are all together,” and she stood up. “No, I have not all. The largest egg still lies there. How long is that to last? I am really tired of it.” And she sat down again.     
  “Well, how goes it?” asked an old Duck who had come to pay her a visit.   
  “It lasts a long time with that one egg,” said the Duck who sat there. “It will not burst. Now, only look at the others; are they not the prettiest little ducks one could possibly see? They are all like their father: the rogue, he never comes to see me.”     
  “Let me see the egg which will not burst,” said the old visitor. “You may be sure it is a turkey’s egg. I was once cheated in that way, and had much anxiety and trouble with the young ones, for they are afraid of the water. Must I say it to you, I could not get them to venture in. I quacked and I clacked, but it was no use. Let me see the egg. Yes, that’s a turkey’s egg. Let it lie there, and teach the other children to swim.”     
  “I think I will sit on it a little longer,” said the Duck. “I’ve sat so long now that I can sit a few days more.”   
  “Just as you please,” said the old Duck; and she went away.   
  At last the great egg burst. “Piep! piep!” said the little one, and crept forth. It was very large and very ugly. The Duck looked at it.     
  “It’s a very large duckling,” said she; “none of the others look like that: can it really be a turkey chick? Well, we shall soon find out. It must go into the water, even if I have to thrust it in myself.”   
  The next day, it was bright, beautiful weather; the sun shone on all the green trees. The Mother-Duck went down to the canal with all her family. Splash! she jumped into the water. “Quack! quack!” she said, and one duckling after another plunged in. The water closed over their heads, but they came up in an instant, and swam capitally; their legs went of themselves, and they were all in the water. The ugly gray Duckling swam with them.   
  “No, it’s not a turkey,” said she; “look how well it can use its legs, and how straight it holds itself. It is my own child! On the whole it’s quite pretty, if one looks at it rightly. Quack! quack! come with me, and I’ll lead you out into the great world, and present you in the duck-yard; but keep close to me, so that no one may tread on you, and take care of the cats!”   
  And so they came into the duck-yard. There was a terrible riot going on in there, for two families were quarreling about an eel’s head, and the cat got it after all.   
  “See, that’s how it goes in the world!” said the Mother-Duck; and she whetted her beak, for she too wanted the eel’s head. “Only use your legs,” she said. “See that you can bustle about, and bow your heads before the old Duck yonder. She’s the grandest of all here; she’s of Spanish blood—that’s why she’s so fat; and d’ye see? she has a red rag round her leg; that’s something particularly fine, and the greatest distinction a duck can enjoy: it signifies that one does not want to lose her, and that she’s to be known by the animals and by men too. Shake yourselves—don’t turn in your toes; a well-brought-up duck turns its toes quite out, just like father and mother,—so! Now bend your necks and say ‘Quack!’”   
  And they did so: but the other ducks round about looked at them, and said quite boldly,—   
  “Look there! now we’re to have these hanging on, as if there were not enough of us already! And—fie!—how that Duckling yonder looks; we won’t stand that!” And one duck flew up at it, and bit it in the neck.   
  “Let it alone,” said the mother; “it does no harm to any one.”   
  “Yes, but it’s too large and peculiar,” said the Duck who had bitten it; “and therefore it must be put down.”     
  “Those are pretty children that the mother has there,” said the old Duck with the rag round her leg. “They’re all pretty but that one; that was rather unlucky. I wish she could bear it over again.”   
  “That cannot be done, my lady,” replied the Mother-Duck. “It is not pretty, but it has a really good disposition, and swims as well as any other; yes, I may even say it, swims better. I think it will grow up pretty, and become smaller in time; it has lain too long in the egg, and therefore is not properly shaped.” And then she pinched it in the neck, and smoothed its feathers. “Moreover it is a drake,” she said, “and therefore it is not of so much consequence. I think he will be very strong: he makes his way already.”   
  “The other ducklings are graceful enough,” said the old Duck. “Make yourself at home; and if you find an eel’s head, you may bring it to me.”     
  And now they were at home. But the poor Duckling which had crept last out of the egg, and looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and jeered, as much by the ducks as by the chickens.     
  “It is too big!” they all said. And the turkey-cock, who had been born with the spurs, and therefore thought himself an emperor, blew himself up like a ship in full sail, and bore straight down upon it; then he gobbled and grew quite red in the face. The poor Duckling did not know where it should stand or walk; it was quite melancholy because it looked ugly, and was the butt of the whole duck-yard.   
  So it went on the first day; and afterwards it became worse and worse. The poor Duckling was hunted about by every one; even its brothers and sisters were quite angry with it, and said, “If the cat would only catch you, you ugly creature!” And the mother said, “If you were only far away!” And the ducks bit it, and the chickens beat it, and the girl who had to feed the poultry kicked at it with her foot.   
  Then it ran and flew over the fence, and the little birds in the bushes flew up in fear.     
  “That is because I am so ugly!” thought the Duckling; and it shut its eyes, but flew on further; and so it came out into the great moor, where the wild ducks lived. Here it lay the whole night long; and it was weary and downcast.     
  Towards morning the wild ducks flew up, and looked at their new companion.     
  “What sort of a one are you?” they asked; and the Duckling turned in every direction, and bowed as well as it could. “You are remarkably ugly!” said the Wild Ducks. “But that is nothing to us, so long as you do not marry into our family.”     
  Poor thing! it certainly did not think of marrying, and only hoped to obtain leave to lie among the reeds and drink some of the swamp water.     
  Thus it lay two whole days; then came thither two wild geese, or, properly speaking, two wild ganders. It was not long since each had crept out of an egg, and that’s why they were so saucy.     
  “Listen, comrade,” said one of them. “You’re so ugly that I like you. Will you go with us, and become a bird of passage? Near here, in another moor, there are a few sweet lovely wild geese, all unmarried, and all able to say ‘Rap?’ You’ve a chance of making your fortune, ugly as you are.”     
  “Piff! Paff!” resounded through the air; and the two ganders fell down dead in the swamp, and the water became blood red. “Piff! Paff!” is sounded again, and the whole flock of wild geese rose up from the reeds. And then there was another report. A great hunt was going on. The sportsmen were lying in wait all round the moor, and some were even sitting up in the branches of the trees, which spread far over the reeds. The blue smoke rose up like clouds among the dark trees, and was wafted far away across the water; and the hunting dogs came—splash, splash!—into the swamp, and the rushes and the reeds bent down on every side. That was a fright for the poor Duckling! It turned its head, and put it under its wing; but at that moment a frightful great dog stood close by the Duckling. His tongue hung far out of his mouth, and his eyes gleamed horrible and ugly; he thrust out his nose close against the Duckling, showed his sharp teeth, and—splash, splash!—on he went, without seizing it.     
  “O, Heaven be thanked!” sighed the Duckling. “I am so ugly, that even the dog does not like to bite me!”     
  And so it lay quite quiet, while the shots rattled through the reeds and gun after gun was fired. At last, late in the day, all was still; but the poor Duckling did not dare to rise up; it waited several hours before it looked round, and then hastened away out of the moor as fast as it could. It ran on over field and meadow; there was such a storm raging that it was difficult to get from one place to another.     
  Towards evening the Duck came to a little miserable peasant’s hut. This hut was so dilapidated that it did not itself know on which side it should fall; and that’s why it remained standing. The storm whistled round the Duckling in such a way that the poor creature was obliged to sit down, to stand against it; and the wind blew worse and worse. Then the Duckling noticed that one of the hinges of the door had given way, and the door hung so slanting that the Duckling could slip through the crack into the room; and that is what it did.     
  Here lived a woman, with her Cat and her Hen. And the Cat, whom she called Sonnie, could arch his back and purr, he could even give out sparks; but for that one had to stroke his fur the wrong way. The Hen had quite little short legs, and therefore she was called Chickabiddy Shortshanks; she laid good eggs, and the woman loved her as her own child.     
  In the morning the strange Duckling was at once noticed, and the Cat began to purr and the Hen to cluck.     
  “What’s this?” said the woman, and looked all round; but she could not see well, and therefore she thought the Duckling was a fat duck that had strayed. “This is a rare prize!” she said. “Now I shall have duck’s eggs. I hope it is not a drake. We must try that.”     
  And so the Duckling was admitted on trial for three weeks; but no eggs came. And the Cat was master of the house, and the Hen was the lady, and always said “We and the world!” for she thought they were half the world, and by far the better half. The Duckling thought one might have a different opinion, but the Hen would not allow it.     
  “Can you lay eggs?” she asked,     
  “Then will you hold your tongue!”     
  And the Cat said, “Can you curve your back, and purr, and give out sparks?”     
  “Then you will please have no opinion of your own when sensible folks are speaking.”     
  And the Duckling sat in a corner and was melancholy; then the fresh air and the sunshine streamed in; and it was seized with such a strange longing to swim on the water, that it could not help telling the Hen of it.     
  “What are you thinking of?” cried the Hen. “You have nothing to do, that’s why you have these fancies. Lay eggs, or purr, and they will pass over.”     
  “But it is so charming to swim on the water!” said the Duckling, “so refreshing to let it close above one’s head, and to dive down to the bottom.”     
  “Yes, that must be a mighty pleasure, truly,” quoth the Hen. “I fancy you must have gone crazy. Ask the Cat about it,—he’s the cleverest animal I know,—ask him if he likes to swim on the water, or to dive down: I won’t speak about myself. Ask our mistress, the old woman; no one in the world is cleverer than she. Do you think she has any desire to swim, and to let the water close above her head?”     
  “You don’t understand me,” said the Duckling.     
  “We don’t understand you? Then pray who is to understand you? You surely don’t pretend to be cleverer than the Cat and the woman—I won’t say anything of myself. Don’t be conceited, child, and thank your Maker for all the kindness you have received. Did you not get into a warm room, and have you not fallen into company from which you may learn something? But you are a chatterer, and it is not pleasant to associate with you. You may believe me, I speak for your good. I tell you disagreeable things, and by that one may always know one’s true friends! Only take care that you learn to lay eggs, or to purr, and give out sparks!”     
  “I think I will go out into the wide world,” said the Duckling.   
  “Yes, do go,” replied the Hen.     
  And so the Duckling went away. It swam on the water, and dived, but it was slighted by every creature because of its ugliness.     
  Now came the autumn. The leaves in the forest turned yellow and brown; the wind caught them so that they danced about, and up in the air it was very cold. The clouds hung low, heavy with hail and snow-flakes, and on the fence stood the raven, crying, “Croak! croak!” for mere cold; yes, it was enough to make one feel cold to think of this. The poor little Duckling certainly had not a good time. One evening—the sun was just setting in his beauty—there came a whole flock of great, handsome birds out of the bushes; they were dazzlingly white, with long, flexible necks; they were swans. They uttered a very peculiar cry, spread forth their glorious great wings, and flew away from that cold region to warmer lands, to fair open lakes. They mounted so high, so high! and the ugly Duckling felt quite strangely as it watched them. It turned round and round in the water like a wheel, stretched out its neck towards them, and uttered such a strange, loud cry as frightened itself. O! it could not forget those beautiful, happy birds; and so soon as it could see them no longer, it dived down to the very bottom, and when it came up again, it was quite beside itself. It knew not the name of those birds, and knew not whither they were flying; but it loved them more than it had ever loved any one. It was not at all envious of them. How could it think of wishing to possess such loveliness as they had? It would have been glad if only the ducks would have endured its company—the poor, ugly creature!     
  And the winter grew cold, very cold! The Duckling was forced to swim about in the water, to prevent the surface from freezing entirely; but every night the hole in which it swam about became smaller and smaller. It froze so hard that the icy covering crackled again; and the Duckling was obliged to use its legs continually to prevent the hole from freezing up. At last it became exhausted, and lay quite still, and thus froze fast into the ice.     
  Early in the morning a peasant came by, and when he saw what had happened, he took his wooden shoe, broke the ice-crust to pieces, and carried the Duckling home to his wife. Then it came to itself again. The children wanted to play with it; but the Duckling thought they wanted to hurt it, and in its terror fluttered up into the milk-pan, so that the milk spurted down into the room. The woman clasped her hands, at which the Duckling flew down into the butter-tub, and then into the meal barrel and out again. How it looked then! The woman screamed, and struck at it with the fire-tongs; the children tumbled over one another in their efforts to catch the Duckling; and they laughed and they screamed!—well it was that the door stood open, and the poor creature was able to slip out between the shrubs into the newly-fallen snow—there it lay quite exhausted.     
  But it would be too melancholy if I were to tell all the misery and care which the Duckling had to endure in the hard winter. It lay out on the moor among the reeds, when the sun began to shine again and the larks to sing: it was a beautiful spring.     
  Then all at once the Duckling could flap its wings: they beat the air more strongly than before, and bore it strongly away; and before it well knew how all this happened, it found itself in a great garden, where the elder—trees smelt sweet, and bent their long green branches down to the canal that wound through the region. O, here it was so beautiful, such a gladness of spring! and from the thicket came three glorious white swans; they rustled their wings, and swam lightly on the water. The Duckling knew the splendid creatures, and felt oppressed by a peculiar sadness.     
  “I will fly away to them, to the royal birds; and they will beat me, because I, that am so ugly, dare to come near them. But it is all the same. Better be killed by them than to be pursued by ducks, and beaten by fowls, and pushed about by the girl who takes care of the poultry yard, and to suffer hunger in winter!” And it flew out into the water, and swam towards the beautiful swans: these looked at it, and came sailing down upon it with outspread wings. “Kill me!” said the poor creature, and bent its head down upon the water, expecting nothing but death. But what was this that it saw in the clear water? It beheld its own image; and, lo! it was no longer clumsy dark-gray bird, ugly and hateful to look at, but a—swan!     
  It matters nothing if one is born in a duck-yard, if one has only lain in a swan’s egg.   
  It felt quite glad at all the need and misfortune it had suffered, now it realized its happiness in all the splendor that surrounded it. And the great swans swam round it, and stroked it with their beaks.   
  Into the garden came little children, who threw bread and corn into the water; and the youngest cried, “There is a new one!” and the other children shouted joyously, “Yes, a new one has arrived!” And they clapped their hands and danced about, and ran to their father and mother; and bread and cake were thrown into the water; and they all said, “The new one is the most beautiful of all! so young and handsome!” and the old swans bowed their heads before him.   
  Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wings, for he did not know what to do; he was so happy, and yet not at all proud. He thought how he had been persecuted and despised; and now he heard them saying that he was the most beautiful of all birds. Even the elder-tree bent its branches straight down into the water before him, and the sun shone warm and mild. Then his wings rustled, he lifted his slender neck, and cried rejoicingly from the depths of his heart,—   
  “I never dreamed of so much happiness when I was the Ugly Duckling!”

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Halloween (or Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)". The name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".
Snap-Apple Night (1832) by Daniel Maclise.
Depicts apple bobbing and divination games at a Halloween party in Blarney, Ireland.

The name 'Halloween' and many of its present-day traditions derive from the Old English era.

The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day. Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.

Development of artifacts and symbols associated with Halloween formed over time encompassing customs of medieval holy days as well as contemporary cultures. The souling practice of commemorating the souls in purgatory with candle lanterns carved from turnips, became adapted into the making of jack-o'-lanterns. The carving of pumpkins is associated with Halloween in North America where pumpkins are both readily available and much larger – making them easier to carve than turnips. The American tradition of carving pumpkins preceded the Great Famine period of Irish immigration and was originally associated with harvest time in general, not becoming specifically associated with Halloween until the mid-to-late 19th century.
The imagery of Halloween is derived from many sources, including national customs, works of Gothic and horror literature (such as the novels Frankenstein and Dracula), and classic horror films (such as Frankenstein and The Mummy). Elements of the autumn season, such as pumpkins, corn husks, and scarecrows, are also prevalent. Homes are often decorated with these types of symbols around Halloween.
Halloween imagery includes themes of death, evil, the occult, or mythical monsters. Black and orange are the traditional Halloween colors

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